Flexible Teaching Resources
Flexible Teaching Resources
Following are a number of resources that may be valuable to faculty teaching in a variety of modalities: face-to-face, hybrid, or fully online.
ATUS, CIIA, OCE, and Western Libraries offer many learning opportunities throughout the year. Please view the following resources below or look for email announcements sent at the beginning of each quarter.
- Teaching & Learning Cooperative (TLCo-op) - a multi-department collection of strategies, tools, and practices for innovative teaching and learning
- Professional Development Canvas Site:
- Join self-enroll ATUS-CIIA Canvas course for detailed descriptions, access links, and recordings/support documents.
- Weekly 20-minute Videos: Join self-enroll Monday Morning Mentor Canvas course to view weekly offerings and transcripts and slides for past offerings.
Class Recordings: Is a consent form needed?
- Find out: Class Recordings Decision Tree: ADA & FERPA (pdf)
- Review: FAQs for Faculty and FAQs for Students
- If needed, see: Instructions for Using Canvas Survey: Consent Form for Online Class Recordings
How do I keep my live class sessions in Zoom secure?
- Set your Zoom meeting with “Only authenticated users can join” and select either:
- Must be signed in with an @wwu.edu account - prompts users to login with their WWU account
- Must be signed in with any Zoom account - prompts users to login with any Zoom account; good for when outside guests will be part of the session
- Check your settings: Settings to Keep Your Zoom Session Secure
- Limit personally identifiable information: How to Participate in Zoom Privately
- Set your Zoom meeting with “Only authenticated users can join” and select either:
How can I improve my internet, home computer system, and home office?
Are there any mid-point surveys I can use?
Communicate intentions with students.
- Let students how you will be delivering your course, how they can contact you, where to look for assignments, readings, and feedback, and how you will communicate with them.
- Ask students to check their notification preferences.
- Ask students if they have the appropriate technology to access your class.
- Computer: Not all students will have regular access to a computer. Students and faculty who do not have access to a laptop may check one out for an extended loan period through ATUS Equipment Loan (request via online form).
- See Stay Connected for more options
- Internet Connectivity: Students may be able to gain internet access on campus, in the dorms, at home, or a publicly available hotspot. Some internet service providers will be offering free and reduced internet for the next few months.
- See Stay Connected for more options
- Computer: Not all students will have regular access to a computer. Students and faculty who do not have access to a laptop may check one out for an extended loan period through ATUS Equipment Loan (request via online form).
- Ask students if they have a situation that makes it difficult for them to participate at a distance or meet the class schedule.
Get prepared technologically.
When developing a class for online delivery, it will serve you and your students well to be experienced with the strategies and tools. Be sure to explore the resources and reach out to the ATUS, CIIA, and OCE instructional designers & technologists for assistance.
- Self-Directed Learning Opportunities
- Accessibility Primer for WWU (self-enroll Canvas course)
- Canvas Help at WWU
- Canvas Orientation for WWU Faculty (self-enroll Canvas course)
- Panopto Getting Started (self-enroll Canvas course)
- STC Online Workshops (self-enroll Canvas course)
- Teaching & Learning Cooperative (TLCo-op)
- Key Resources for Students
- Canvas Orientation for WWU Students (self-enroll Canvas course) - to help students be successful users of Canvas
- Flexible Learning Resources - ATUS tips and learning resources related to remote learning
- Stay Connected - ATUS & community resources options for computer access and accessing the Internet
- STC Online Workshops (self-enroll Canvas course)
- File Sharing via Cloud vs. VPN: We recommend that you share teaching-related materials via the cloud (Canvas, OneDrive, G Suite, etc.). Some campus servers and resources require a VPN connection if you want to access them from off-campus. View a list of services that require VPN from off-campus. Also, View our VPN Instructions.
- OneDrive - As part of Office 365, OneDrive is easy to access and offers 1TB of storage space.
- Canvas - If you upload files to Canvas, you can control if and when students can see them. There is a 500 MB per file limit and 2000 MB per course limit. The course limit can be expanded by requesting it via CanvasHelp@wwu.edu.
- Google Workspace - If you opt to use Google Drive, be sure to use your WWU Google account which gives you a large storage space and helps keep WWU files separate from personal files.
- Mapped network drives are the most common example. You do not need to use VPN to access Canvas, your Western email, OneDrive, or other Office 365 apps.
- Media Equipment: If you need a webcam, headset, laptop, or other equipment, check with ATUS Classroom Services/Equipment Loan for availability. Most laptops are already configured with devices for audio/video recording.
- Self-Directed Learning Opportunities
Get prepared strategically.
- For strategies for delivering your content online, see: Teaching Handbook: Blended/Online Learning. See also:
- For strategies for communicating with students in an online setting, see: The 7 Cs of Effective Communication in an Online Course.
- For helping students be prepared, see: Flexible Learning Resources
- For the latest information at WWU about coronavirus/COVID-19, see: https://www.wwu.edu/coronavirus
Instructional Library Resources to Support Multiple Academic Literacies
Western Libraries offers a range of resources and services to support your teaching success. Have a question that is not listed below? Contact your Subject Team and we will help you find an answer to your question. For the latest access information, see: Western Libraries Building Hours
- Do you normally use print materials (e.g. books, journals) or other media (e.g. films) within your classes? We can gain access to online materials by purchasing online versions of books, licensing films, or providing access to book chapters. Contact your Subject Team and someone will reach out to assist as soon as possible.
- Teaching synchronously (real-time) and interested in a workshop for your students? We can host a range of workshops via Zoom for you and your students. Our workshops range from enhancing one’s research and writing skills (e.g. Finding & Using Sources, Revising & Editing) to being a successful online learner (e.g. time management, test-taking, goal-setting). See: Research & Writing Workshop Series
- Teaching asynchronously and looking for ways to support and advance your research and writing assignments? The Hacherl Research & Writing Studio provides a number of videos and other tutorials available online. We will continue to build on these resources during the next few weeks. Interested in a resource that is not currently available? Contact your Subject Team and we will work to locate or create a potential resource that would meet the needs of your class.
- Looking for additional resources to help your students prepare for their research and writing or their math or science courses online? Share the Flexible Learning Resources page which highlights resources for students available from various areas including Western Libraries.
Ask Us! FAQs: Additionally, you can search for and ask questions related to all Libraries services. You can find answers to common COVID-19-related questions here.
See also:
Learning Opportunities
Join self-enroll ATUS-CIIA Canvas course for descriptions, access links, and recordings. Workshops to be announced during fall term.
Testing Zoom
To test your ability to access Zoom and test your audio and video sources, try this test link any time: https://zoom.us/test For additional details, see Zoom's Testing Computer or Device Audio page.
Testing Internet Speed
To test your your internet connection speed click the GO button on this site: https://www.speedtest.net For additional details, see Zoom's Testing Computer or Device Audio page.