Canvas Standards of Practice FAQ

Canvas by Instructure

The following are general standards of practice by the ATUS Canvas support team. See also: Canvas Help

  1. What is the best way to get help with Canvas?
    Emailing is the most efficient way to get assistance. Three staff members are available to monitor this account. We are usually able to respond within a business day or possibly within hours. You can also try calling 360-650-7900. To get your question answered most efficiently, please provide:
    • Your contact information
    • Succinct statement of concern or need of assistance; i.e., specific assignment, person(s), course(s) involved
    • Course name(s) and quarter; include a direct link if possible
  2. Can I change my password?
    For WWU accounts, passwords can be changed online or by visiting the ATUS Help Desk at Haggard Hall 123. For WWU Canvas guest accounts, we cannot email changed passwords. They must be changed in person or over the phone. Please contact or 360-650-7900 for more information or to set up an appointment.
  3. Can I cross-list courses?
    Instructors can do this, or you can request assistance via the Canvas Cross-list Request Form. Be sure to specify a primary course, which is the course made visible after the merge.
  4. Can I add a teacher or TA to a course?
    Adding a teacher or TA to a CRN course requires the approval (via email) by the department chair or instructor of record. Note that an instructor of record can add people in the teacher, TA, and course designer roles.
  5. Can I add students to a course?
    Instructors can no longer add students to a CRN Canvas course. Canvas Support can add students to CRN courses with written approval from the Registrar's Office for official audit enrollees. CRN-based courses are automatically populated with students and instructors of record via the Banner system. Changes in Banner may take up to 24 hours to be reflected in Canvas.
  6. Can I add people to a non-CRN course?
    If you are listed with the teacher role, you can do this yourself or request assistance.
  7. Is it possible to get a non-CRN course?
    Non-CRN courses are useful for tutorials, committee work, and for working with majors or other collections of Western people. Contact to request the course.
  8. When is my course available?
    Courses become available at different times, depending on your role in the course. See details: When is my course available? Accessing Canvas Courses
  9. When will my course conclude?
    All courses will auto-conclude at the end of the day Friday after grades are due. See details: Canvas Procedures for End of Term.
  10. Can I import course materials from one of my colleagues?
    You can import course content from any class in which you are listed in the teacher role. If your colleague would like to add you, even temporarily, as a teacher to the class, then you would be able to perform the import. In some cases, that person is not available to do this. In order for Learning Systems staff to do this on your behalf, we would need an email from either the department chair or the instructor of record indicating permission and specific courses. Please contact for help.

For more how-to assistance, see the Canvas Help page.