After Leaving Western, When will My Account be Deleted?

Per Washington State law (RCW 42.52.160), computer accounts can only be made available to current students, faculty, staff, and emeritus faculty. So if you leave Western we will need to delete your account. 

Student Accounts Deleted after 1 Term

To provide students time to follow-up with email correspondence with prospective employers, forward any email they want to keep to another email account, and to save files from their OneDrive, Universal Accounts are retained for a one quarter period after a student is unenrolled from classes (excluding Summer). For example, if a student is registered for classes during Spring quarter but doesn't register for Summer or Fall quarter, their account will be removed during the following Winter quarter.

What a Student Should Do Before Leaving Western

Faculty and Staff Accounts Deleted Upon Termination

Faculty and staff Universal Accounts are purged upon termination of employment unless special arrangements have been made to extend the accounts. Speak to your department head or director. NTT faculty accounts are retained for one year after their last teaching quarter, unless the department requests the account be deleted.

What an Employee Should Do Before Leaving Western

Can I request a temporary reinstatement of my address so I can receive the code for a password change? 

Unfortunately this is not possible. You must meet very specific eligibility requirements to have a WWU Microsoft 365 account, and it requires multiple people performing multiple tasks to bypass the system that automatically creates your student, staff, or faculty account for Western. If you are not currently eligible, there won't be much we can do to trick the system into thinking you are eligible.