Ransomware Alert

Global news agencies are reporting the spread of ransomware infections in many countries around the world today. Ransomware is a type of malicious software that infects a computer and restricts access to the computer or its data until a ransom is paid to unlock it. Ransomware usually does this by encrypting files like documents and images. It can also encrypt files stored on a network drive or connected external drive. Paying the ransom is discouraged since there is no guarantee that the files will be decrypted. Removing the ransomware and restoring files from backup is a better approach. The best approach is to avoid ransomeware in the first place by keeping your software up to date, running antivirus software, and by carefully avoiding phishing scams that trick you into installing malware. 

Technical support staff at Western work hard to keep operating systems and software up to date, but you should make sure your personally owned computers are updated as well. The following links will take you to Microsoft and Apple web pages: Update Windows | Update MacOS



