Personal vs Western OneDrive Account

If you were a student at Western prior to June, 2013, you may have a personal Microsoft OneDrive (formerly SkyDrive) account that is linked to your student email address.

In June, 2013, students were migrated from Microsoft Live@edu accounts to Office 365. Only student email was migrated to Office 365. If students used SkyDrive as part of their Live@edu account, those files were copied to a personal OneDrive account with Microsoft. 

If you want to continue using your personal OneDrive account, it is important that you link it to a personal email address and not to your email address. Microsoft uses the primary email address on the OneDrive account for password resets. Once your student email address is deleted after you graduate, you will no longer be able to use that email address to reset a forgotten OneDrive password. Western staff will not be able to manage this personal Microsoft account or help you reset a password for it.

To add a new primary email address to your personal OneDrive account:

  1. Sign in to your personal OneDrive account at using your address and the password for this account. The password may be different from your student Office 365 password, and was initially set to the password you used for your Western universal login in June of 2013. If you do not remember the password, follow the instructions to send a password reset link to your student email address.
  2. After you sign in, click your name in the upper-right corner and select Account Settings
  3. On the Account Summary page, you will see your student email address listed under the Account Aliases section. Click the link below that that says Add or change aliases
  4. On the page that says Manage your account aliases, click the Add alias link.
  5. You can either create a new Microsoft email address to use, or add an existing email address (Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc.)
  6. If you added an email address, you will need to login to that email and click the link to verify the change.
  7. After you click the link from Microsoft to verify this new email address, you will be taken back to your Account Aliases. You will now see your student email address listed as the primary, and your new address listed as a secondary address. Click the link below the new email address that says Make primary
  8. Click YES to confirm the change and verify that your new address is now listed as the primary address
  9. Click on the link that says Overview on the left and review the Password and security info section. You can edit the security info to make sure that Microsoft has your current email and phone number (if you choose). You can also close your account from this page if you do not intend to use it in the future. Just make sure you download any files stored on OneDrive before you close your account.