Wi-Fi Upgrades may require Forget/Reconnect of WWUwireless-Secure

9/18/2024 4:30 pm: WWUwireless-Guest and the device registration portal are available once more.

9/18/2024 8:24 am: It is reported that WWUwireless-Guest is not working as expected following this upgrade. Our network technicians are investigating the cause. WWUwirelss-Secure is working as expected at this time.


On 9/17/2024 an expansion to upgrade the wireless system to accommodate increased system load will require a deployment of a new certificate. What this means is that you may experience some trouble connecting to the WWUwireless-Secure Wi-Fi network following the upgrade due to a change in the certificate used for connecting. To obtain the newest certificate, on 9/17 forget the WWUwireless-Secure network within your device's wireless settings, then reconnect using your most recent universal account credentials

Employees with WWU owned Windows laptops may need to restart their computer and log in on campus instead of forgetting the network. 

If you continue to have trouble connecting to WWUwireless-Secure after forgetting the network, please reach out to the ATUS Help Desk



