Create a Guest Account for Off-campus Visitors

Guest wireless access is available to visitors on the university's WWUwireless-Guest wireless network. No guest account or password is required.

Occasionally, some official visitors (e.g., conference presenters) may need short-term access to the university's wired network. These requests can be filled by creating a ticket with the Help Desk. Guest accounts cost $5/account and can be licensed for Microsoft 365 if necessary. We do not charge for single guest lecturers, library patrons, or visiting scholars.

Long-term guest account 

Do you need a longer-term guest account that includes email and Microsoft 365 access?

If your department is hosting someone who will be working with you as an unpaid volunteer, your department can request regular computer accounts for them that include an email address and a Microsoft 365 subscription.

  1. If the individual already has a W number and username that aren't in use because of a prior relationship with Western: Complete the Volunteer registration forms located in steps 1 through 10 of the Procedures and Forms area of HR's Volunteer site. 
  2. If the individual does not have a W number or usernameRegister the individual with Human Resources as a Volunteer using steps 1 through 10 on HR's 'Procedures and Forms' section of their Volunteer registration site - specifically the following:
    1. If your volunteer needs a Western ID # (W#) and a Western email setup to access University systems or perform their volunteer duties, please follow the steps below:
      1. Register Volunteer:  Volunteer and Supervisor complete Volunteer application form and any other forms required by department (background check form, acknowledgement form if needed) as noted here: Register the individual with Human Resources as a volunteer
      2. Request W# and Western email: Supervisor submits a PA Form as well as an Employee Information form to This will generate the W# and Western email address.
        • For Volunteers who already have a W#, please submit a PA form only.