Fall Teaching & Learning Support

Drone photo of Old Main Building in the Fall.

This fall, we continue to offer professional development asynchronously so you can watch our presentations during a time that works for you. As always, please feel free to reach out if you would like to discuss these topics further. Our contact methods are available on the How to Get Help page.

Our fall video presentations:

See descriptions and resources for these presentations and what is coming soon on the ATUS-CIIA ProDev home page.

Conversations and Resource Sharing: Join us

Learning Systems Chat

This special session will be available via Zoom. Find access info on the ATUS-CIIA Self-Enroll Canvas course site.

  • Wrapping Up The Year: A Conversation with Chris, AJ, & Justina (Fri., 12/6 at 3-4 PM Join us to chat about the latest teaching, learning, and technology news that affects you and our students. It will be like a live podcast where you can ask questions!

TLC Studio Conversations

These Teaching & Learning Cooperative sessions are both in-person and online. Join us in the TLC Studio (College Hall 310). At these sessions, we (ATUS and OCE colleagues) will be prepared to ask questions, discuss ideas, and share resources. Food and friends are welcome; coffee and tea are provided in the TLC Studio.

  • Brainstorming About Inclusive Teaching - led by Lauren, Lee, & Justina (Mon., 10/28 at 2:30-3:20 PM
  • Sharing Ideas for Free & Open Textbooks - led by AJ & Justina (Fri., 11/15 at 10:30-11:20 PM

New Releases: Explore and watch on your own

Join ATUS-CIIA Self-Enroll Canvas course for our newest recordings, to access relevant resources, and to get announcements:


  • Beginning-of-Term Course Checklist
  • Canvas Interface Updates - In this four-part series, Chris Powell leads you through the newest changes to our LMS, from re-designed features to new ways to customize your profile, modules, and quizzes.
  • Lucid Collaborative Whiteboard - Missing the discontinued Jamboard? AJ Barse will inspire you to use the new Lucid diagramming feature in Canvas. He also made an instructional video you can share with your students!


  • Interactive Videos for Students - AJ Barse walks you and your students through interactive ways to use video quizzes and online discussions with videos. If you ever used Flip video discussions (or wanted to), you will love this option using Panopto in Canvas.
  • FAQs: Generative AI in Teaching, Learning, & Technology - now updated with information for all employees


  • Coming soon:

Learn from our Affiliates

DIY Learning Options

Key Resources for Students

  • Career Services Support - help students plan for their careers with advising, workshops, fairs, Ask A Viking, & more
  • Canvas Orientation for Students (self-enroll Canvas course) - to help students be successful users of Canvas
  • Stay Connected - ATUS & community resources options for computer access and accessing the Internet
  • Study Spaces - places for students to study between classes, or for participating in a virtual class in between classes
  • STC Online Workshops (self-enroll Canvas course) - extensive collection of self-paced learning modules for everyone
  • Syllabi at WWU - WWU policies and campus resources written for students (Tip: Link to this from your syllabi.)
